I am drawn to the authentic, often messy, and heartfelt ways that we each uniquely experience and respond to the Divine. My own experience of God includes times of great beauty, companionship, and joy and also confusion, pain, and waiting. I aim to hold both a reverence for and a sense of humor about the richness of all aspects of the spiritual journey. In my role as a spiritual director, I serve as a companion and a witness, holding space for others, accompanying them to explore their own inner knowing and experience of the Divine, and paying attention to what is life giving for them.
My path to spiritual direction began as a seeker over twenty years ago. Eventually I followed a call to training as a director through the program at San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS). My experience as a seeker is ongoing, rooted in the Christian tradition and evolving as I encounter Spirit within an array of practices and traditions. My formal training includes a Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from SFTS and a Master of Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis. I provide individual spiritual direction by appointment at the Interfaith Counseling Center in San Anselmo, CA as well as online.