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Sharon Burch is one of the early visionaries and founder of the Interfaith Counseling
Center, Inc. and she was the Center’s long-time volunteer administrator, holding the
community together with a steady hand and thoughtful insights. She also provided
clinical services, as a pastoral counselor and grief support person.

Sharon has a Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union and taught theology for a
time at the Boston School of Theology, before moving back to the Bay Area, where she
has served as an adjunct instructor in the D Min program at SFTS. She is quite an
expert on the theology of Paul Tillich, authoring a chapter in the most recent book,
Why Tillich, Why Now? (Mercer, 2021). She has been an active member of the Pacific
Coast Theological Society.

A few years back when she retired from active service at ICC, we persuaded her to
serve on the Board of Directors of ICC, where she offers her wisdom and perspective
in a new leadership role.

Rev. Sharon Burch, Ph.D.

📱 415-342-9501

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