When you are lost, confused, or at a crossroads, where can you turn?
Do you seek greater meaning and purpose in your life?
Do you experience an unnamed longing for ‘something more?’
If these or other such questions are important to you, consider meeting with a Spiritual Director.
There are many paths to the Mystery some call God, Higher Power, Allah, Buddha Nature, and Atman, among others. Everyone finds a way into Mystery from whatever experience has taught them. Ordinary life is the place to begin. When you pay attention to events, feelings, thoughts, and images in the company of a wise spiritual guide, your world takes on a richness, depth, and solidity that you might otherwise miss. Aspects of your life that are difficult, confusing and lonely, as well as inspired, delightful and full of joy, become much more meaningful when shared with an experienced Spiritual Director. You discover you do not travel your path alone.
In Spiritual Direction you will be supported and empowered to recognize and pay attention to your own innate spirituality. Gradually you discover an inner compass of sacred wisdom you may not have known before. As you learn to trust the true North of that inner compass, it becomes easier to live in freedom and authenticity.
For more information on Spiritual Direction, please click here.
All of the Spiritual Directors at the Interfaith Counseling Center have completed a formal academic and clinical training. They abide by the Code of Ethics of Spiritual Directors International and participate regularly in interdisciplinary consultations. They are trained to work with people of any belief or tradition, and offer a broad diversity of backgrounds, approaches, and personal styles. One-on-one meetings are usually scheduled once a month. Many Directors request a fee; some receive a freewill donation, and others offer their time at no charge.
Meet our Spiritual Directors below. Their biographies will help you decide which spiritual guide best suits your journey, beliefs, and life experience.
Although the Spiritual Directors at ICC are not always licensed mental health professionals, they are, however, equipped to recognize mental health issues and make appropriate referrals. Spiritual Direction is not psychotherapy and should not be entered into as a substitute for psychotherapy. That said, Spiritual Direction can be a rich process, either in parallel with your psychotherapeutic work or as a stand-alone process, that invites a deeper exploration of your soul and wider experience of the Holy in your life.
Scott Quinn
E-mail: contact@scottquinn.net
Web: www.scottquinn.net
Royce Truex
E-mail: truex@pacbell.net
Pat O’Neil
Email: ptoneil30@gmail.com
Debbie Dybsky
E-mail: dymuir@aol.com
Rev. Ellen Rankin
E-mail: e.rankin@comcast.net
Web: www.ellenrankin.com